Join Julie & Don for this transformational YTT
Awaken to Possibility 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training
A Yoga Immersion coming in October 2025
Join us for this program designed to fully immerse yourself in an experience that will:
CLEANSE the inner critic, CONNECT you to Self energy, and CREATE an inspired life.
These are the core practices of the Be & Breathe’s 200-Hour Teacher Training. As a participant in the program you will use these tools to elevate your own yoga practice, become a powerful, unconstrained yoga instructor, and create authentic connections with others.
During our time together we will explore each of the areas below:
Training & Practice: A process of discovering how yoga feels in your body, mind and spirt to get very clear on the direct benefits to you.
Teaching Methodology: Through discussion, observation and practice you will be given the tools to share what you have discovered with others in a clear, powerful way.
Anatomy: A study of human physical anatomy and physiology to get an understanding of how it relates to asana.
Yoga Philosophy/Lifestyle and Ethics: An exploration of The Bhagavad Gita, The Yoga Sutras and the 8 Limbs of Yoga each of which will lead you on a lifelong spiritual path living yoga everyday.
Practicum: You will gain experience delivering what you have discovered to a class and receive live feedback in the moment.
You Will Get 100% Grounded In:
*The Baptiste Journey Into Power Flow
*Meditation & Pranayama
*Baptiste Methodology
*The Yoga Sutras, Yamas & Niyamas, Bhagavad Gita
*Yin Yoga
We will meet a total of eight weekends with a seven virtual Thursday evening meetings.
Friday evenings 6pm-9pm
Saturdays 8am-6pm
Sundays 8am-6pm
The Rate:
At the start of the program you will become a BNB YTT member and will receive unlimited access to our scheduled classes.